Friday, April 15, 2011

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea originates from China. Many varieties of green tea have been created in countries where they are grown. The mean content of flavonoids in a cup of green tea is higher than that in the same volume of other food and drink items that are traditionally considered of health contributing nature, including fresh fruits, vegetable juices or wine

When 300 mg /about 3 cups of green tea were given to subjects ten minutes before taking in 50 grams of starch, their glucose and insulin levels did not rise nearly as much as was expected.

This explains the connection between green tea and diabetes. Besides, because of green tea's starch-blocking effect, it may also help get rid of excess fat, the villain that can cause diabetes or make it much worse.

Many experts believe antioxidants can slow down aging and prevent heart disease, strokes and cancers.

Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants.  Catechins are powerful antioxidants found in large quantities in green tea.

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Green tea increases exercise endurance. Green tea catechins burn fat and reduce carbohydrate utilization, enabling athletes to exercise longer. Researchers found those who drink 5 or more cups of green tea a day are 16% less likely to die than those who drink less than one cup a day.

From brain tumors to leukemia, from lung cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer to bladder cancer, not to mention breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer, green tea cancer studies are showing positive results.

Tea contains a special compound called theanine, which has been known to stimulate alpha brain waves, calm the body, and promote relaxed awareness.

those who drank green tea are 20% less likely to suffer from stress and depression symptoms.

Rejuvenate body, protect it from heart attacks and strokes

green tea regenerates damaged brain cells and is a viable treatment option for multiple sclerosis patients. Tea drinking reduces heart disease risk, although scientists still do not understand the mechanisms for these observations.

Green tea inhibits atherosclerosis, the hardening and thickening of arteries.

regular tea drinkers are 65% less likely to develop high blood pressure if they drink more than two half cups a day.

green tea extract is naturally rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from free radicals - naturally occurring particles in the body associated with accelerated ageing and an increased risk of major diseases. Exposure to pollution, smoking and excess sunlight increases the number of free radicals in the blood, but the potent antioxidants found in green tea add strong weight to the belief that green tea not only promotes good health but also makes you look younger.

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Beauty benefits

Traditionally, many types of make-up, lotions, creams and beauty preparations have used chemical antioxidants, or vitamins A, C and E as preservatives for their products. Now, with research indicating that green tea has even more antioxidant properties than these powerful vitamins, there is a surge in products capitalising on its natural benefits.

You don't need to rush to the chemist to stock up on goodies. Concentrated green tea extract is simple to make at home and is a flexible addition to both your daily beauty routine and your medicine cabinet.

Soothing spritzer

Simply steep 100g of green tea in half a litre of still mineral water at room temperature for at least one hour. Strain the liquor and it's ready to use! It's better to make small quantities and use it fresh but surplus liquid can be poured into clean, sterilised bottles and refrigerated.

The liquid can be used as a spritzer, to freshen up the face, or cotton pads soaked in it can be particularly soothing for tired or strained eyes. It has antiseptic properties, so can be used to treat minor cuts and rashes, and is surprisingly effective when applied to spots and blemishes. It can even be used as a treatment for sunburn - soak a cloth in the liquid and leave on the skin until the area begins to cool.

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Benefits of Green Tea
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