Friday, March 21, 2014

20 Fat Loss Secrets


Eat less, exercise more.That’s the simple solution to anyone’s weight loss questions. But if it was that easy, more people would be in great shape. Turns out, some of your other behaviors play a big role in fat loss. Try these 20 tips—including several surprises—to fire up your metabolism speed up your lean body transformation.

Have a Plan

The old saying goes: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Have a realistic goal and set specific targets for your week to reach that goal, says Emma-Leigh Synnott, M.B.B.S, an exercise, nutrition, and metabolism specialist. Life is about more than your diet. Sleep More

Sleep does more than help your body recover from a long day — it actually helps you fight fat. In fact, researchers at the University of Chicago reported that sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours can increase your appetite (forcing you to overeat), slow your metabolism (causing you to burn fewer calories) and make the body retain more abdominal fat. Need another reason to sleep more? Lack of shut-eye is also associated with bad workouts. Your body will thank you.

Cut Out Snacks

Yes, some people benefit from eating four to six meals per day and enjoying snacks. But researchers from Purdue University found that the snacking method could be sabotaging your efforts. That’s because the average snack has increased by 200 calories over the last 30 years to nearly 600 calories. If you have trouble with portion sizes, reduce the number of meals you eat.

Part one of the energy equation is to simply restrict your fuel intake. But unfortunately, most people do very badly with this. Research has shown that most people grossly underestimate how much they are eating, sometimes by up to 50 percent! Add incidental exercise (like talking the stairs or tapping your foot) in addition to formal activity (such as playing sports, lifting weights, running) to see the greatest benefits, says Synnott.

Remove Liquid Calories

You want the truth: 65 percent of Americans drink beverages that are heavy in calories. Plan a Cheat Day

Lift Heavy Weights

Whether you’re a man or a woman, the fastest way to burn fat faster is by lifting heavy weights. Not only do heavier weights activate more muscle fibers, they also increase your resting metabolism. In other words, when you lift heavy weights, you continue to burn calories at a higher rate, even when you’re doing nothing!

Join an online community. Let people know your goals and ask for their support in helping you achieving them. Add Workout Variety

For a high-impact workout that will kick up your metabolism in a short amount of time, try alternating cardio and resistance training in a circuit, suggests Smith. For example, start with 5 minutes of cardio (treadmill, bike, elliptical) immediately followed by a dumbbell circuit of cleans, cleans and press, lunges, military presses and bent over rows, where each exercise is performed for eight repetitions. Practice Carb Swapping

Carb swapping is is one of the easiest (and fastest) ways to jump-start weight loss. Replace foods like pasta, rice and bread with fruits and vegetables. The fruits and vegetables have fewer calories and carbohydrates than their processed counterparts. That means you can eat more total food without adding weight.

Use Simple Tools

Stay light on your feet and control your breathing as you try and hit 50 jumps, 100 jumps or more without a mess up.

Rest Less During Exercise

There are many essential variables that must be managed when structuring your workout, one of them being rest. The rest periods you take between exercises can be modified to elicit a fat burning effect, says Smith. By shortening the time you take between exercises to as little as 10 to 30 seconds, you can increase your resting metabolism and the intensity of your workout.

Try Combination Exercises

Try Intermittent Fasting

Considered one of the more controversial eating habits, intermittent fasting combines long breaks from eating (14 to16 hours) with a shorter feeding period (8 to10 hours), or fasting for 24 hours once per week. While the behaviors might seem extreme, research indicates that this method not only is linked to healthy weight loss, but also preserves muscle mass. The technique works well for people who prefer eating just two to three times per day.

Eat More Fat

Did you know that the Institute of Medicine recommends that a diet be made up of 25 to 35 percent fat? Turns out, high-fat foods like nuts, avocados and healthy oils can help you lose fat faster than other diet approaches. Just make sure you figure out how much fat you need in your diet to prevent yourself from overeating. And, as always, avoid the trans fats. Eat More Protein

Protein helps you maintain lean body mass (muscle, not fat), and increase the thermic effect of your diet. That is, protein requires more energy for your body to process than carbohydrates or fat. This can subtly contribute to the calories-out side of the energy equation. As a bonus, eating protein keeps you fuller longer, and researchers have shown that it can reduce how much you eat per day by hundreds of calories.

Become a Heavy Drinker

While there’s nothing magical about water, the process of consuming lots of liquid can trick you into feeling less hungry. What’s more, when you’re dehydrated you burn 2 percent fewer calories per day, says University of Utah researchers. So if you struggle to control your appetite, drink up before your meal. Then drink some more. You’ll be more likely to fight off fat.

Drink Whey Protein

Your diet should primarily consist of whole-food sources like meats, veggies, fruits and nuts. However, research published in the Journal of Nutrition found those who consume whey-protein shakes lost almost twice as much fat as those who didn’t have the shakes. Magic? The protein in shakes isn’t any more effective than protein found in solid meals. However, most people don’t get enough protein in their diets, and the shakes are a convenient way to meet your body’s needs, suggest the researchers.

Be Patient and Give Yourself Time

You didn’t gain weight overnight, so you will not take it off overnight either. Give yourself time and know that the weight will come off if you stick to your plan.


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