Sunday, May 25, 2014

Exercises For Oblique Crunches

Even people who have lived for years on fatty, junk food hope to fit into their slim-fit apparels. Belly fat or love handles are unattractive and getting rid of them is not at all easy. Moreover, your bulging belly does not please your own eyes as well. Oblique crunches are exercises formulated for the oblique muscle, which is one of the four muscles that form our abdominal area. Let us learn few oblique crunch exercises for and reduce the expanse of our waists.

Exercises For Oblique Crunches

Stability Ball

Performing oblique crunches on the stability ball is one of the best ways to reduce love handles. Slowly raise and tilt your upper body to twist towards a side.

Bench Twist

Lock your feet into the bench and position yourself while placing your left hand over the left ear and the right hand on top of your right thigh. Now raise your upper body slowly, twist your torso and try touching your right knee with the left elbow. Once you reach saturation point, get back slowly to the original position by lowering your upper body. Perform at least 10 sets of this exercise for both sides.

Simple Oblique Crunch

Repeat for 10-12 times before switching sides.

Waistline Trimmer

This is an excellent exercise to shrink love handles. To perform the exercise, lie down on your back with your heels on top of the exercise ball and the knees in bent position. Clench your hands behind your head with your elbows facing sideways. Lift your left shoulder while exhaling slowly towards your right hip. Lower your shoulder after staying in position for a while. Repeat the same exercise on the other side. Each alternate side equals one repetition.

Side Oblique Crunch

Another effective exercise to get rid of extra fat is the side oblique crunch. Lie down on your right hand side with legs extended. Cross up your right arm across your waist while resting your right hand on the left hand side. Now contract your abs and lift up your right shoulder along with your right leg. Perform the same moves on the opposite side.

Standing Oblique Crunch

Tips To Perform Oblique Crunches

Your breathing should be right while performing any exercise.

Maintain a neutral position of your spine while performing these oblique crunches.


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