Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tips: Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol

Increased level of cholesterol in your body may be giving you serious worries but, it is easily possible to bring down your cholesterol levels by making some amendments in your food habits and lifestyle. A high level of cholesterol in the body can lead to blocked heart artilleries and fatal heart diseases. Go through this article to know some helpful tips on how to reduce your cholesterol naturally.

Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally

* For people who have high cholesterol levels, consuming less fat has to be the basic mantra. Include oatmeal and flaxseeds, which contain soluble fiber, in your diet. The foods that contain soluble fiber act as a sponge, soaking up cholesterol from your body.

* Almonds are also helpful in lowering your cholesterol levels, as they contain two powerful antioxidants - vitamin E and flavonoids, which restrain the building up of cholesterol in the body.

* Bring down your intake of saturated fats, as they produce cholesterol in the body, more than anything other food item. Untrimmed fat in meat, chicken skin, butter, dairy products and coconut oil are some rich sources of unsaturated fats. You can substitute the saturated fats with mono-saturated fats, like olive, canola and nut oils.

* Reduce the cholesterol-building foods in your diet. Meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, egg yolks, cheese, ice cream and whole milk are some of the cholesterol building foods. Avoid processed meat and switch over to skimmed milk, for reducing cholesterol.

* Eat soybean, as it contains compounds that can improve the ability of liver to get rid of excess cholesterol.

* Beans are also known to have cholesterol-reducing ability.


If the above mentioned tips are not helping your case, get in touch with a professional as your body may need some specific measures for cholesterol-reduction.


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