Sunday, August 10, 2014

Natural Remedy to Prevent and Treat Cancer

Many herbs proven to prevent or treat cancer. Although the need to further research and development, a number of plants such as white turmeric, vinca, god leaves until the parasite has been used as a cancer patient endeavor to cure the disease. Many who survived that traditional medicine had become the foundation of a new hope for cancer patients.White Turmeric

Not only for diarrhea and dysentery therapy alone, White Turmeric is helpful benefits to cure Cancer and Tumors.

[Read: Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract to Eliminate Cancer ]

From the research Minyi Chan in his book Anti-Cancer Medical Herbs, Curcuma zedoaria apparently have higher effectiveness to treat cancer and tumors. According to the American Institute of Cancer Research Report (New York Time) June 1, 1999 on White Turmeric contains:

1. RIP (ribosome inacting Protein) is useful for:

a. Being able to disable the growth of cancer cells.
b. Able to shed cancer cells without damaging surrounding tissue.
     c. Block the growth of cancer cells.

2. Antioxidant substances, preventing damage to the gene.
3. Substance anti Curcumin, as an anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory).

Curcuma Curcuma Zeodaria combined with Mango can cure:

4. Cancer: cervical, breast, liver, lung, leukemia, brain and other diseases related to cancer and tumors.

5. Inflammation in: ulcers, hemorrhoids, sore throat, inflammation of the liver, bronchitis, tonsillitis, painful menstruation, vaginal discharge, acne or boils, diabetes, asthma.

6. Other benefits, Anti-fat: high blood pressure, stroke, heart, uric acid, Reduce Cholesterol.

Natural Remedy to Prevent and Treat Cancer
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Recommended dosage:

Turmeric non sugar: 1 teaspoon pressed ½ cup brewed with hot water (100 cc) is then deposited and drunk only water.

Prevention: 1 times a day, taken before bedtime.
Treatment: 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening).

White turmeric has certain characteristics, among other spots ginger bulbs and tubers such as light yellow (beige). In the fresh state it smells like mango kweni and when it is extracted or used as a powder, the color remains yellow (beige).

Efficacy white turmeric against cancer cells is still limited research in vitro (laboratory) and has not yet reached clinical trials. However, white turmeric is widely used as an alternative medicine for cancer.

In vitro study conducted by bioaktivasi test. Cancer cells grown in the laboratory and after being given a certain concentration of white turmeric cancer cells become dead.

Vinca leaves for Breast Cancer drug:

While periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) has been tested as a preventive and destroyer of cancer cells. Plants which still belongs to the family Apocynaceae or frangipani-kambojaan this class of compounds containing two vinca alkaloids vincristine and vinblastine which are efficacious inhibit the multiplication and spread of cancer cells.

catharanthus roseus to treat cancer
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Vincristine is used as a treatment of bronchial cancer, malignant tumor of the kidney, breast cancer, and various types of malignant tumors that initially attacks the nerves and muscles. Plant the grass in Sumatra called bitch cabtharanthin it also contains alkaloids that can be urged and expected to dissolve the cancer cell nucleus.

[Read: Healthy Breasts with this Foods ]

Natural Remedy:

Boil, 22 vinca leaves and fruit of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and bark pulasari (Alyxia reinwardti) with three glasses of water. Bubuhi brown sugar to taste. After boiling up by half, strain. Herb taken three times a day each half a glass. Treatment is done for at least a month.

Rodent tuber

Rodent tuber (Typhonium Flagelliforme) has also been studied as a medicinal plant that can stop and treat various cancers.

Natural Remedy:

To inhibit the growth of cancer cells, three rat rod complete with taro leaves (about 50 g) was soaked for 30 minutes, finely crushed and squeezed. This juice is filtered and drunk.

In Malaysia, there have been scientific tests the efficacy of Rodent tuber. Even rodent tuber extract in pill form and powder tea combined with other crops in certain doses, has been marketed in the country.

Juice of turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria) is also effective as a cancer drug. According to Andrew Chevallier Mnimh, herbalist from London, contained in ginger curdione curcumol and efficacious anticancer and antitumor. In China, ginger has long been used as a cure for cancer of the cervix. These plants can increase the lethal effects of cancer cells when performed radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Natural Remedy to Prevent and Treat Cancer
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Noni is also popular as medicinal plants potent. Meat or pace noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) containing dammacanthel, anticancer agent that is able to resist the growth of abnormal cells in the precancerous stage and can prevent the development of cancer cells. Freshly squeezed juice of two or three can noni fruit laced with honey to taste more delicious. Should choose that is not too ripe noni because alcohol is formed by the fermentation process that is too ripe noni damage vital substances contained therein.

Phyllanthus acidus can also be used as an anticancer drug.

Make Natural Remedy:

Handful of Phyllanthus young acidus, a handful of leaves starfruit, lote upas a finger, a finger chinese yam and palm sugar boiled with three glasses of water to stay glass. This herb is taken three times a day each glass.


Compounds in the parasite has long been thought to act as a barrier to cancer malignancy. Parasite that is boiled into a tea can be used as a drug proven support while undergoing chemotherapy (treatment with anticancer drug taking).

Natural Remedy to Prevent and Treat Cancer

For those of you who have not been affected by cancer, stir broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes and fish meat with a little seasoning salt and garlic, cooking can become rich in anticancer substances. Harvard University study on 48,000 people in 1995 showed prostate cancer risk for those who eat 10 times a dish containing tomatoes per week down to almost half.

Note: For all kinds of drugs though just medicinal herbs you should not exceed the recommended dose.

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