Sunday, May 1, 2016

9 Naturally Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks, generally known as striae, are visible lines lying on the skin. Stretch marks are generally found in the abdomen wall.

While striae are standard in pregnancy, they're able to also appear in people who are building muscles or people that are experiencing hormonal changes.

9 Naturally Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

Clinical research has shown that inclination towards stretch marks offers quite a bit to do with genetics. The good news, however, is the fact that these marks will disappear by themselves. In some cases they won’t vanish entirely without your intervention.

9 Naturally Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks will make you feel uncomfortable about your appearance. The good news, there are many natural solutions to reduce the appearance of striae.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is really natural ingredient for treatment of many skin problems, including to get rid of stretchmarks.

Rub aloe gel around the affected skin area, let it on for fifteen minutes and then wash your skin with warm water. Repeat this method daily.

2. Olive Oil

Olive oil has a lot of antioxidants and nutrients that really help improve various skin disorders including stretch-marks.

Apply and massage gently warm essential olive oil into the affected skin area. This will enhance the blood circulation and minimize the stretchmarks to a large degree.

Leave it for thirty minute so that the vitamins E, D and A contained in oil are absorbed by your skin.

3. Egg Whites

Eggs really are a rich supply of protein. For striae, you need to use only the egg whites, that have proteins and amino acids.

Stir the whites eggs gently using a fork. Apply egg whites using a makeup brush.

Wait till the egg whites to dry completely then rinse the skin with cold water.

Apply a few drops of olive oil onto the skin.

4. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter can be beneficial in treating striae. Being a good quality natural moisturizer, it assists nourish the skin and lessen the appearance of striae.

Mix 1 tbs wheat germ oil, a glass of cocoa butter, 2 tsp grated beeswax and another teaspoon all of vitamin E oil and apricot kernel oil. Heat this mixture till the beeswax melts. This mixture will make skin more smooth and hydrated.

5. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is naturally acidic that helps heal acne, striae, along with other scars.

Mix fresh lemon juice and cucumber juice then apply the mix on the stretch-marks.  Allow at least ten minutes before rinsing it.

6. Alfalfa

Alfalfa leaves contain several essential amino acids which can be good for general health of your skin. They are also loaded with vitamins E, vitamin K, and protein, that really help nourish your skin.

Mix a few drops of chamomile oil with some alfalfa power to make a smooth paste.

Massage the paste into the involved area twice every day.

Repeat this treatment every day for a couple weeks and you'll notice great enhancement.

7. Potato Juice

Potato juice contains minerals and vitamin that foster restoration and growth of skin cells.

Slice a potato into thick piece.

Take potato pieces and rub it on the stretchmarks for five minutes. Make sure the starch in the potato covers the involved area.

Wait until it dry by itself then wash them back with warm water.

8. Sugar

Natural white sugar is among the best treatments to get rid of striae. You can use the sugar to exfoliate the skin.

Mix a few almond oil with a tablespoon of raw sugar and some drops of fresh lemon juice. Mix it and rub it on the stretchmarks for a few minutes each day before rinse your skin with clean water and regular soap.

Do this for just a month or so and observe your striae become lighter.

9. Castor Oil

Castor oil, which is often used in the treating a number of skin problems like dark spots, wrinkles, pimples, moles, face lines, and brown spots, may also be used to get rid of scars.

Apply some castor oil treatment to the striae and gently massage the vicinity in circular motions for ten minutes.

Wrap the location with a thin, gauze. Using a warm water bottle or maybe a heating pad, apply some heat on the affected area for about a thirty minutes.

Repeat this method daily for at least 30 days to see positive results.

These natural treatments can help striae , however they may not completely eliminate them. Consult a qualified medical professional if you're greatly worried about the appearance of striae on your skin. More: 10 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Sunspots

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