Friday, June 13, 2014

Natural Treatment for Fevers

Ways To Treat A Fever Naturally- A fever is the body’s way of scheming its immune response. Your child’s body is scheming the temperature and it’s going to fluctuate thumbs down problem what you do. Don’t awaken a child from a deep sleep to give medications pro the fever. Sleep is more valuable. As far as how Often a fever needs to be checked, once a day is sufficient. So, Fevers are safe, aren’t scary!

Don’t use rubbing alcohol as this can be absorbed into the skin. Give fever reducers Just if your child feels uncomfortable, not solely to reduce the warmth. And don’t alternate fever-reducing medications, as this could lead to overdosing or unnecessary medication with the intention of your child doesn’t need.

Two things worth considering if weighing that concern:

1. Febrile seizures are not considered harmful.

Febrile convulsions are not harmful to your child and do not cause brain damage. Most children with febrile convulsions only ever have one fit. There is no increased risk of epilepsy in children who have febrile convulsions.

2. Giving fever reducers may actually induce a febrile seizure. Febrile seizures are caused by a rapid change in body temperature in either direction. In certain circumstances, fever reducers bring the fever down too quickly and cause a seizure.

The only reason to treat a fever is to make a child more comfortable. When children are uncomfortable or crying, then you should treat them with medication.

Studies on fevers found that there was no evidence that a fever by itself could harm a child – unless the child was under the age of 3 months or had heart problems. In fact, the researchers determined that bringing fevers down could actually prolong illness. That’s because fevers are one of the body’s lines of defense against viruses.

Studies done in children with chicken pox, for example, found that children whose fevers weren’t treated had about a day less that they were considered contagious compared to those who were treated.

When we decided we didn’t want her fever to climb any higher, proceeded to follow the steps.

* Calcium Lactate

Calcium lactate especially helpful in making a sick more comfortable. When the body fights infection it draws calcium out of the bones to be utilized by white blood cells. The process can make you feel quite achy, so it’s easier just to give the body what it needs without it having to withdraw from “the bank.” Calcium lactate works with the fever to make it more effective, which in turn usually means it’s over more quickly !

* Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an old remedy that is thought to “draw out” the fever - people still swear by it! Soak a couple washcloths in apple cider vinegar and place on forehead and tummy, or add a cup to a warm bath. Some people also soak a cloth in and wrap it around the soles of the patient’s feet - lemons work, too.

* Garlic Foot Paste

Blend a enough fresh garlic cloves to make a paste that will spread across the feet. Blend with a little olive oil or coconut oil and apply. Leave a few spots uncovered so heat can still escape, then wrap in gauze and leave on overnight.

(Note: Do this on yourself so you can feel if it’s too “hot” for your feet.

* Warm Bath

A cold bath can shock the body into trying to raise the internal thermostat even more, but a warm to extra warm (depending on comfort level) can be helpful, especially when a cup of apple cider vinegar is mixed in.

* Egg Whites

- Soak a paper towel or cloth in egg whites.
- Place the soaked cloth on the soles of the fevered person’s feet, and put socks on to keep the cloths in place.
- When the cloths become warm, soak more cloths in egg whites and repeat until the fever is reduced to a safe level.

The egg whites started to immediately draw the fever from the head to the feet. Let her fever drop to a safe level so she could continue to fight naturally, and only repeated the egg whites if her temperature became too high. By the next day she was acting normal with no trace of the fever.

* Herbal Freezer Pops

Though not a remedy, these herbal freezer pops may help keep a child hydrated and more comfortable during a fever.

Have you ever used a natural remedy to reduce a fever? How did it work for you?


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Natural Treatment for Fevers
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