Saturday, September 13, 2014

Benefits of Black Raisins For Skin and Hair

Do you like black raisins? Have you ever tried some of them? Black raisin is known for its juicy flavour and sugary taste. This tiny fruit has a few medicinal properties, which help to care our health. Several natural compounds present in Black raisin improve the texture of our hair and skin.

The health benefits of raisins include relief from acidosis, constipation, fever, anemia, and se*ual dysfunction. It also to help in attempts to gain weight in a natural way, as well as its positive impact on dental care, eye health, and bone quality.

Raisins are also added to snacks and compact, health tonics, high-energy food supplements for backpackers, mountaineers, and campers. Black raisins are full of health benefits.

Benefits of Black Raisins for Skin

Stop the signs of aging by consuming black raisins regularly. Here is why Raisins are beneficial for your skin:

Benefits of Black Raisins For Skin
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1. Delays Signs of Ageing for Skin:

The antioxidant and essential phytochemicals content in black raisins are capable of protecting our skin cells from potential damage caused by excessive pollution, long time exposure to the sun, and pollution which causes wrinkles, fine lines and dullness on the face. As they can prevent the disintegration of Deoxyribonucleic Acid of our skin cells by combating immunity goes high, free radicals and the elasticity of our muscle fibers gets boosted largely. Hence, we can avert premature ageing effectively.
[More: Latest Anti Aging Skin Breakthroughs ]

2. Keep your Blood Free from Impurities:

Flawless skin is something that every woman desires. But it hard for us to keep our blood free from toxins which eventually result in acne-prone, dry, and unattractive facial skin.

Black raisins have natural properties which helps in flushing out the toxins, dangerous fluids and dirt from the system. These are responsible for skin problems especially wrinkles, spots, acne and more.

Black raisins benefits for hair

How many person are tired of frequent hair loss or untimely greying? Black raisins are the best solutions for hair loss.

Benefits of Black Raisins For Hair and Health
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3. Prevent Premature Greying of Hair:

The iron and vitamin C levels present in black raisins helps in the absorption of various minerals and provides nourishment to the hair. Hence, consuming black raisins is very helpful for keeping up the health as well as natural color of our hair.

4. Treats Hair Thinning:

Raisins are full of iron, which is an essential nutrient for our body to helps the blood circulation to the hair follicles. A sound circulatory system is essential for maintaining the blood circulation throughout the scalp,  preventing hair fall and stimulating the hair follicles. It keeps hair fall at bay completely.

Benefits of Black Raisins for Health

Apart for natural beauty treatment, black raisins also beneficials for our health. Below are the major health advantages of the Raisins:

Benefits of Black Raisins for Health
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5. Treats Anaemia:

The iron present in black raisins help to increase the haemoglobin levels in the blood and cures anaemia. It means, having black raisins each day will ensure the daily intake of dietary iron that requirements of the body.

6. Reduces Bad Cholesterol:

Black raisins has anti cholesterol compounds in the form of soluble fiber that transfers bad cholesterol from our bloodstream to our liver and facilitates its elimination from our body. Polyphenols present in black raisins help to absorbing the cholesterol and reduce the levels in the body. [More: Tips for Reduce Cholesterol ]

7. Treat Osteoporosis:

The good levels of calcium and potassium in black raisins are important nutrients required for strengthening the bones and ensuring that it stays away from osteoporosis.
[Read: Simple Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis ]

8. For Blood Pressure Control:

High blood pressure can cause serious problems and significant health complications. Black raisins are rich in potassium that lowers the sodium in the body to a good extent. Hence, add black raisins to your daily intake to stay away from cardiovascular diseases.

So if you want to stay healthy, gorgeous and attractive, do not forget to consume black raisins on a regular basis.


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Benefits of Black Raisins For Skin and Hair
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