Friday, November 16, 2012

Important Tips Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer prevention is actually quite simple and effective. But in fact, every year of breast cancer is still the number one killer disease among women. If you do not want to develop, there are some important tips you can do.

Here are some tips on basic health care but it is important to prevent breast cancer:

1. Get to know your ancestry

It has been proven by scientific research that breast cancer risk factors from the history of descent. Genes 'breast cancer' can be passed from mother to child and grandmother to granddaughter. This gene is more dominant in women's bloodline, which means from the mother's side. Women who have this gene should be more vigilant and take precautions clever extras.

2. Do not trigger cancer genes

If you have a family history of breast cancer, then you should definitely not do anything that could lead to a recessive gene. Smoking is tantamount to commit suicide, because it is a factor that can trigger cancer genes. You should also avoid all carcinogens that good food, plastic bottles or metal dust.

3. Early detection

There are three stages of breast cancer, the tumor, and nodal metastasis. If you can detect breast cancer in tumor stage, when it was just a bump, then the chances of survival are 90 percent.

At this stage established nodal and metastatic lymph nodes is when the cancer has spread. The problem of breast cancer symptoms often do not appear until the entry nodal stage, where the chances of survival drop to 50 percent and after spreading the chances are very bleak.

4. Checking your own breasts

It is the only proven way to detect breast cancer early. Breast Self Examination (BSE) is to do the following:

a. Note the position of the breast with both hands above his head and then his hands around her waist.

b. Raise your left hand to the head.

c. Use the flat surface of the finger to touch or squeeze the breast and be sure to touch all parts of the breast. Patterns can be used to rotate the direction of movement, direction of movement up and down or in and out of the area towards the nipple. Try using the same motion every month.

d. Press each nipple gently and consider whether there is discharge.

Important Tips Prevent Breast Cancer

e. Check out the area between the breast and the underarm and breast and sternum while lying down.

f. Repeating these steps for all of the right breast.

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Important Tips Prevent Breast Cancer
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