Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Amazing Health Benefits of Soybean

We often said that soybean can replace meat for those who are classified as vegetarians. Soybeans are storehouse of nutrients and health benefits you can get from a number of soybean-based products such as soybean milk, tofu, bean sprouts, beans, sauce and flour.

Soybeans are kind of nuts that are common in East Asia. They are classified as an oilseed. Soy is considered a complete protein because of the amount of essential amino acids. The benefits soybean found in countries such as China and Japan, where people are less likely to develop heart disease, osteoporosis, breast cancer and prostate gland.

Here are health benefits of soybeans:

Amazing Health Benefits of Soybean
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1. Antioxidants

Soy contains compounds called isoflavones, which is beneficial to improve health. These compounds are responsible for cell repair and prevent damage to cells caused by pollution, sunlight and normal body processes.

2. Reduce the risk of heart disease

Protein and isoflavones present in soybeans, helps in reducing LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) and decrease the possibility of blood clots. This in turn, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Research has shown that consumption of milk containing 25 grams of soy protein for nine weeks resulted in a decrease in LDL cholesterol 5% on average. [Read: Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol ]
3. Preventing Osteoporosis

Soybean protein helps in better absorption of calcium in the bones. Isoflavones present in soybean foods serve to slow bone loss and inhibit bone breakdown, which in turn prevents osteoporosis. [Read: 7 Simple Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis ]

Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally
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4. Prevent Cancer

Isoflavones act as an anticancer agent against cancer cells. Protect the body from cancer of the uterus such hormones, breast and prostate.
[Read: 14 Foods to Prevent Breast Cancer ]

5. Reverse the effects of endometriosis

Soy helps in delaying the action of the body's natural estrogen, which is responsible for reducing or preventing pain during menstrual periods (heavy bleeding) and other symptoms in women.

[Read: Natural Remedies to Cope Dysmenorrhea ]

6. Coping with the symptoms of Menopause

The content of isoflavones in soybean help to regulate estrogen. Research has found that soybean isoflavones can reduce the heat in the body (hot flushes) in postmenopausal women.

Amazing Benefits of Soybean
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7. Giving effect to both diabetes and Kidney disease

Protein and soluble fiber soybean, regulate blood glucose levels and kidney filtration, thereby controlling diabetes and kidney disease.
[Read: 9 Tips How To Keep Kidney Healthy ]

8. Keep your weight

High fiber content in soybeans as a tool for management (set) weight. It is a low glycemic index (GI) foods that regulate blood sugar and insulin fluctuations. So it can help control hunger. This will greatly assist you in the process of weight loss.

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Amazing Health Benefits of Soybean
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