Friday, June 13, 2014

Amazing Health Benefits Behind a Bitter Taste of Mahogany Seeds

Mahogany (Swietenia mahogany Jacq) can be found growing wild in the forests of teak and other places close to the beach, or planted as a roadside tree protector. Plants are originally from the West Indies, can flourish when grown in brackish sand close to shore.

Like most drugs, mahogany is also a bitter taste. However, behind the bitterness of the stored natural properties for a variety of complaints, which among other things due to the flavonoid and saponinnya.

Here are the benefits and efficacy of mahogany seeds:

1. Mahogany seeds can be used to improve blood circulation

Mahogany seeds contain flavonoids that are useful for blood circulation, especially to prevent the blockage of the blood vessels. Cholesterol levels in the body will decrease. Also, it can also reduce bleeding, pain, and may be an anti-oxidant that patent to get rid of free radicals.

In traditional Chinese pharmacology and treatment of others mentioned, this plant has a bitter nature, cold, antipyretics (fever), antifungal, and can lower high blood pressure. The pharmacological effects obtained from the use of dried beans, finely ground, up into powder.
2. Helps in maintaining the blood pressure

Mahogany seeds are believed to treat high blood pressure. To treat high blood pressure, you could make a drink by way of seed mahogany brew with hot water. After that, water steeping grain mahogany filtered for drinking in the morning and evening.

Efficacy mahogany seeds, namely hypertension, blood sugar disorders, lack of appetite, fever, and helps maintain durability. How to cultivate it, seeds crushed or pulverized into a powder and brewed with hot water.

3. Reducing fat in the body

Mahogany seeds also contain saponins that can reduce fat inside the body, boost the immune system, can strengthen liver function, useful for preventing plague, improving blood sugar levels, as well as blood and slow the clotting process.

4. Treat malaria

Benefits and content of mahogany seed has long been known as a drug for treating malaria. How to consume is also quite easy. You can hang it to dry and mahogany seeds are separated from the chaff. Once dried, mahogany seeds can be processed into a powder that is ready to be consumed.

5. Regulates Diabetes

Plants that have the ability as an astringent (drying) may precipitate intestinal mucous membrane protein and forms a layer that protects the gut, thus inhibiting glucose intake and the rate of increase in blood glucose.

Unfortunately, Although the benefits of and content of mahogany seeds so much and can be used as medicine, but you also have to be careful with side effects that can be generated by the mahogany seeds. Saponi material contained in a mahogany seed does have good benefits but also have side effects that can make the risk of high cholesterol. In addition, the recommended dose to about 200 mg of flavonoids per day. Therefore, you have to be smart in taking the mahogany seeds.

Until now there are still utilizing mahogany seeds as raw material ingredients to treat a variety of diseases. Spread from mouth to mouth, mahogany herb powder was believed to have a property to help the healing process and vitality. In addition to powders, there is also a direct taking mahogany seeds after throwing flat-shaped outer skin.

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Amazing Health Benefits Behind a Bitter Taste of Mahogany Seeds
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