Sunday, July 13, 2014

Tropical Green Smoothie Recipe

Balancing your sweet overload by toss spinach, yogurt, fresh and frozen fruit into the blender, except for that astonishing green color. Until you can no longer tell there’s spinach in it. It’s a win, good flavor, lots of nutrients.

Fresh pineapple flavor comes out on top. Besides the nutrients in fresh fruits and vegetables, another bonus is that this actually keeps me full all morning. Avoiding a grumbling stomach is another reason to down a suspiciously green beverage. Don’t skimp on the spinach, too.


Tropical Green Smoothie

Makes 1 big or 2 small smoothies

- 1 C plain yogurt
- 1 C frozen or fresh pineapple chunks (I recommend fresh)*
- 1/2 C frozen or fresh mango chunks*
- 2-3 big handfuls of fresh spinach
- 1 T chia seeds (optional)

Smoothie, Recipe

Place all ingredients in blender and blend on high until everything is pureed.

*If using all fresh fruit, you may want to add some ice.


Green Smoothie Recipe

What other veggies have you tried in smoothies?


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Tropical Green Smoothie Recipe
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