Saturday, August 23, 2014

How To Eliminate Body Fat

Eliminating your excess body fat can seem like an incredible task for some. Consistently adhering to a diet and exercise program increases your chances for fat reduction success. Following a diet plan that works best for you in your life allows you to stick to a plan without falling off course. The same sentiment goes for your exercise and activity. Finding the right plan of action that fits into your schedule will help you eliminate your unwanted body fat.

Step 1

Perform cardiovascular exercise three to five days a week for 30 to 45 minutes each workout. Beginners should start out with one or two weekly workouts and increase training frequency as fitness level increases. Cardiovascular exercises like walking, jogging and cycling provide calorie burn that results in overall fat-loss results.

Step 2

Add weight training to your exercise routine at least three times a week. Weight training builds lean muscle, which increases your metabolism throughout your day. Perform a total-body routine consisting of eight to 10 exercises to reduce your body-fat levels.

Step 3

Occasionally mix interval-training sessions into your workout schedule to enhance your fat-burning results. Interval training involves brief, high-intensity exercise followed by a recovery or low-intensity exercise. An example of this training method consists of running for 60 seconds followed by walking for 90 seconds. Interval-training workouts can speed up your metabolism for up to 48 hours post-exercise.

How To Eliminate Body Fat

Step 4

Follow a low-fat diet rich in protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Protein sources like chicken and fish help to repair and build lean muscle, translates into a faster metabolism. Carbohydrate sources such as whole grains and vegetables provide fuel for your body during activity. Mono-unsaturated fat sources that include salmon or almonds offer a heart-healthy fat source that aids in eliminating excess body-fat stores.

Tips and Warnings

Consult with your doctor before beginning an exercise regimen. If current medical conditions exist, speak with a registered dietitian to discuss your nutrition program.

Avoid extreme calorie restriction diets.

How To Eliminate Body Fat

Things You'll Need

Athletic shoes


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